Introduction to the Book
This book features 160 comprehensive questions aimed at ensuring you pass the transportation PE exam on your first try. Each question is educational and designed to cover a wide range of topics, with no straightforward answers. Almost everyone who has purchased this book, studied thoroughly, and taken the exam reports that it made passing significantly easier. The questions are organized into five parts:
- Project Management
This section covers essential aspects such as cost estimating, scheduling, and economic analysis, including present worth and lifecycle cost. It addresses various topics relevant to the project management knowledge area, ensuring readers are well-prepared for the exam.
- Traffic Engineering
This part focuses on the traffic engineering knowledge area of the NCEES specifications, detailing traffic signal design, traffic control, and safety requirements. It enhances understanding of critical manuals, including the AASHTO Highway Capacity Manual (HCM), the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), the Guide for the Planning, Design, and Operation of Pedestrian Facilities (GPF), and the Highway Safety Manual (HSM). Example questions cover interrupted and uninterrupted flow, intersection capacity, lane capacities, pedestrian traffic, traffic forecasts, trip generation, queuing diagrams, and signal design.
- Design & Geometry
This section features questions related to geometrical and cross-sectional design requirements. Topics include horizontal and vertical curve design, intersection geometry, and roadside cross-section design. It aims to improve comprehension of important guides, such as AASHTO’s Green Book and the Roadside Design Guide.
- Geotechnical & Pavement
This part addresses the geotechnical and pavement knowledge area, covering soil sampling, geotechnical evaluation, slope evaluation, consolidation, and laboratory tests. It emphasizes the use of the NCEES Handbook, AASHTO’s Guide for Pavement Structures, and the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide.
- Drainage
This section includes questions from the drainage knowledge area, focusing on hydrology, hydraulics, runoff, stormwater collection, and culvert hydraulics. It aims to enhance understanding of the NCEES Handbook and AASHTO’s Hydraulic Design of Highway Culverts, providing essential knowledge for effective drainage design.
All answers are detailed and well-referenced, linking to the relevant design manuals and codes for your benefit.